Saturday, May 08, 2010

Hush, Now

Her eyes are like fire
& Diamonds in blue
Between the lobby and the hotel room

Better the Queen

It ticks,
And it flits from the back of the mind,
The twitch that tells all, this time
The message was heard
Loud & clear
It sounds, the bell
Cheers a merry, gold doom
Breaking each second with doubt
& soon, the light will out
Or the sun will rise
The fight to see which comes first
Determined by pride
It's the waiting - the pleasure
No, it's the torture that lies in waiting
For the Sirens' call again,
Not the Muse, but then
She never was much of a wife
Better the Queen of the Sea
Or King of My Life
Better the Queen of the Sea
Than thunder drowned in being my wife

Yet We Hide Indoors

If it is pouring holy-well filled sky,
Tilt to the grey,
Open, gaping mouth-wide
Swallow the Heavens,
Dig up your lungs, bury them alive
to worship the sun

From neck to breast
Breast to tip
Fingers to sockets, femurs to ribs
Feel the porous marrow groan,
Inflated with all the offerings cold,
Prey for rain, and snow, and hail,
Worship the sun
And memories gold

Last Time, it Felt Like Home

Hours have passed through parallel,
Flashing regret
Well, I didn't close my eyes once while you slept
Nor should I have
Those waking moments kept alive
Only while the light is fleeting
And you, sleeping
Without a single breath against the nape of my

Does life lead by obsession grow wasted?
Or does the silent storm hastily bury open trap-doors?
Not slammed shut, but filled up of disgraces
The handles, too hot to unearth what
Was trapped beneath
Intangible possibility
Hours of spoken thought - I feasted
Became a mind in clarity - a jumble now
Of tangled shoe-laces
And faithless
Doubtful of others' intentions
All seeming so bleak and baseless
The moments kept, and keep still
A fist firm fury
Frozen around the pumping chest-spaces
Spaces where organs once drummed a life-strong beat
Spaces where your clothes strewn briefly in heat
How thoughtless I am to waste such moments
Indulgence in theoretical romance
How graceless to wish you to me
Like the sun to to the plum
Or leaves of a plant
Impatient to know a future that will not unfold
Good gracious